Ett nytt brev har skickats till Michelle Obama, med påskrifter från EU-parlamentariker, parlamentsledamöter från flera europeiska länder, svenska politiker med kommun- och landstingsuppdrag, svenska kulturarbetare och många "vanliga" kvinnor.
Dear Mrs Michelle Obama
Some months ago we, women in Sweden, sent you an appeal to take up the cause of two Cuban women, Adriana Pérez and Olga Salanueva who, for over ten years, have been denied the opportunity to visit their husbands imprisoned in the United States. Their husbands Gerardo Hernández and René González, were unjustly sentenced to double life sentence and 15 years imprisonment, respectively, for gathering information in the US about terrorist operations in Florida directed against their country. They belong to the group known around the world as The Cuban Five, political prisoners in the United States.
Today, on the Fourth of July, 234 years after the US Declaration of Independence, we repeat our appeal supported by a great number of other women in Sweden and other parts of Europe that have joined our appeal.
Dear Mrs Michelle Obama
We, women in Sweden, appeal to you to take up the cause of two women who, for over ten years, havebeen denied the opportunity to visit their husbands imprisoned in the United States. Two Cuban women, Adriana Pérez and Olga Salanueva, time and time again, have been denied visas to visit their husbands, Gerardo Hernández och René Gonzalez. These men were unjustly sentenced to double life sentence and 15 years imprisonment, respectively, for gathering information in the US about terrorist operations in Florida directed against their country. They belong to the group known around the world as The Cuban Five, political prisoners in the United States. Their efforts contributed to the saving of many lives in both Cuba and the United States.
US authorities have motivated their denial of these two women’s repeated visa applications with the assertion that they would constitute a threat to the national security of the United States. But neither of them has ever been accused of anything. The hollowness of the reasoning for the visa denials is made clear by the shifting reasons give each time.
Most recently, in December of 2009, the Department of Homeland Security turned down Olga Salanuevas application for the eighth time. Without any explanation, she was prevented from visiting her husband, René González. When he was arrested in September, 1998, they were living with their two daughters, entirely legally, in Miami, where their youngest daughter, who, like her father, is a US citizen, was born. When her husband was arrested, Olga was, as well. The purpose was to pressure René into confessing to crimes he had never committed. After three months she was deported to Cuba without her two-year-old daughter. She was granted a visa in March 2002, but it was revoked before she had a chance to use it. For more than ten years US authorities have cruelly punished her in spite of the fact that she has committed no crime.
Adriana Pérez was also granted a visa in 2002, in July, and travelled to the US to visit her husband, Gerardo Hernández. But when she arrived in Houston she was taken into custody at the airport and was photographed, fingerprinted, interrogated for 11 hours, denied access to an attorney and Cuban diplomats and was then sent back to Cuba. With premeditated ruthlessness she was given hope, only tobe humiliated and denied her long awaited meeting with her husband. Adriana last had her applicationdenied in July of 2009, on her twenty-first wedding anniversary.
Denying family members the possibility of visiting prisoners is an unworthy extra penalty for allinvolved and contradicts international standards for humane treatment. Those standards include the right of prisoners to have contact with their families and receive visitors. We are amazed by this cruelty toward two honorable women who have committed no crime and want only to visit their husbands.
Olga Salanueva’s and Adriana Pérez’ visa applications are supported by a significant number of religious, judicial and human rights organizations – from the world-wide Council of Churches to the United States’ own Council of Christian Churches, Cuba’s Council of Churches, the Association of American Jurists, Amnesty International, a long list of Nobel Prize winners (for Literature or the PeacePrize), members of parliaments, bishops, priests, jurists, authors, human rights activists and intellectuals around the world. They have also been received by parliaments and governments in many countries that support their struggle; most recently, in February of this year, by the EU Parliament.
Dear Mrs Michelle Obama, we appeal to you to do what you can to get visas for Olga Salanueva and Adriana Pérez so they can visit their husbands, and thereby lessen the shadow that has fallen over the United States because of the cruel treatment of The Five and their families.
Stockholm 17th of April 2010
Member of the EU Parliament Eva-Britt Svensson (Left Party)
Former EU Commissioner Anita Gradin
Members of the Swedish Parliament Anne Ludvigssen (Social Democratic Party), Bodil Ceballos (Green Party), Siv Holma (Left Party), Helena Bargholtz (Liberal Party, Liselotte Olsson (Left Party), Amineh Kakabaveh (Left Party), Marianne Berg (Left Party)
Bishop Eva Brunne, Diocese of Stockholm
Opposition leader Ann-Margarethe Livh, Stockholm municipality
Women for Peace, Bibbi Steinertz,
Swedish Women’s Leftwing Union, Majlis Fridén
Stockholm 4th of July 2010
Female members of the EU Parliament, MEP
Margrete Auken (Socialist Peoples Party, Denmark)
Christel Schaldemose (Social Democratic Party, Denmark)
Britta Thomsen (Social Democratic Party, Denmark)
Bairbre De Brún (Sinn Féin Party),
Ilda Figueiredo (Portuguese Communist Party),
Sabine Wils (Die Linke, Germany),
Kartika Liotard (Socialist Party, Netherlands),
Supported by the following male MEPs
Willy Meyer (Izquierda Unida, Spain),
Miguel Portas (Left Bloc, Portugal),
Joao Ferreira (Portuguese Communist Party),
Jacky Henin (French Communist Party),
Patrick Le Hyaric (French Communist Party),
Nikolaos Chountis (Synaspismos Rizospastikis Aristeras, Greece),
Kyriacos Triantaphyllides (Progressive Party of Working People, Cyprus),
Miloslav Randsdorf (Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia, Czech Republic)
Thomas Händel (Die Linke, Germany)
Female members of national parliaments, MP
Sweden: Solveig Ternström (Center Party),
Finland: Tuula Peltonen (Social Democratic Party, SDP)
Merja Kyllönen (The Left Alliance, LA)
supported by the following male MPs
Ilkka Kantola (SDP)
Jouko Skinnari (SDP)
Jukka Gustafsson (SDP)
Kimmo Kiljunen (SDP)
Marko Asell (SDP)
Raimo Piirainen (SDP)
Esko Juhani Tennilä (LA)
Erkki Virtanen (LA)
Jaakko Laakso (LA)
Mikko Kuoppa (LA)
Paavo Arhinmäki (LA)
Denmark: Line Barfod (Enhedslisten)
Germany: Sahra Wagenknecht (Die Linke)
Irland/Northern Ireland, Sinn Feín Party:
Members of the Legislative Assembly, MLA,
Jennifer Mc Cann,
Claire Mc Gill,
Martina Anderson,
Michelle Gildernew, Minister for Agriculture,
Michelle O'Neill,
Caitriona Ruane, Minister for Education,
Carál Ní Chuilín,
Sue Ramsey,
Supported by the following male politicians:
Raymond Mc Cartney, MLA,
Gerry Kelly, MLA, junior Minister at the office of the OFM/DFM,
And the following members of the lower house of the Irish parliament
Caoimhghin Ó Caoláin
Aengus Ó Snodaigh,
Martin Ferris,
Arthur Morgan,
Other European politicians
Sweden: Lotta Johnsson Fornarve, Left Party National Board, Oxelösund
Martina Nilsson, Left Party National Board, Malmö
Nita Lorimer, Left Party Regional Council, Skåne, Lund
Hanna Thomé, Left Party City Council, Malmö
Maria Fregidou-Malama, Left Party District Chairman, Uppsala County
Gun Isaxon, Swedish Communist Party City Council, Gällivare
Supported by the following male politicians:
Vilmer Andersen, Left Party Regional Council, Skåne, Malmö
Bawer Kevir (Eser), Social Democratic Party, MP candidate
Francisco Contreras, Left Party, MP candidate
Northern Irland. Mary Lou Mc Donald, Vice President Sinn Fein Party
Spain: Marga Sanz, MP at the Corts Valencianes (EUPV/IU)
El Salvador: María Margarita Velado Puentes (FMLN)
Cultural personalities, Sweden
Eva Björklund, architect, Stockholm
Kajsa Grytt, singer, Stockholm
Maj Wechselmann, film director, Stockholm
Kim Anderzon, actress, Stockholm
Gunilla Lundgren, writer, Stockholm
Inga-Lisa Sangregorio, journalist, writer, Stockholm
Karin Lentz, writer, Åkarp
Inger Fredriksson, fil. dr., head of publishing house, Stockholm
Åsa Faringer, film director, Stockholm
Hanna Olsson, writer, Stockholm
Jonna Kevin, dancer, Stockholm
Stina Nilsson, performing arts producer, Härnösand
Gilda Perna, artist, Eskilstuna
Supported by the following male cultural personalities:
Etienne Glaser, actor, director, screenwriter, Stockholm
René Vázquez Díaz, writer, Malmö
Christer Themptander, artist, Stockholm
Ulf Hultberg, film director, Stockholm
Daniel Viglietti, writer, Montevideo, Uruguay
Ricardo Gutiérrez A, clown “Cascarita”, Stockholm
Gastón Palacios, artist, Stockholm
Other female signatories, Sweden
Vania Ramírez, M.D., PhD, Stockholm
Marilyn Barden, Stockholm,
Barbara Brädefors, retired teacher, Stockholm
Inger Blomstrand, Stockholm
Alejandrina Carrillo, administrator, Stockholm
Barbara Hagel, administrator of insurance, Stockholm
Kerstin Sumelius, coordinator IRIS, Iraqi Information service, Stockholm
Kerstin Forsberg, Stockholm
Mari-Ann Bergfeldt, preschool nanny, Stockholm
Eva Sjöblom, authorized translator, Stockholm
Birgitta Norlin, family therapist, Stockholm
Olga Paredes, Stockholm
Martha Melgarejo, Stockholm
Juana González, Stockholm
Marianne Nilsson, family therapist, Stockholm
Sofia Sánchez, freelance journalist, Stockholm
Sevasti Psarrow Davis, retired preschool teacher, Stockholm
Catharina Tirsén, Stockholm
Irene Lundholm, teacher, Stockholm
Magdalena Acuña, nursing assistant, Stockholm
Nevena Slavid, student, Stockholm
Havva Izel, student, Stockholm
Corina Antequera, Stockholm
Macarena S, Stockholm
Yolanda Milá, Stockholm
Nieves Pezoor, Stockholm
Edith Contreras, saleswoman, Stockholm
Matilde Hormazabal, social worker, Stockholm
Noelia Hernandez, counselor, Stockholm
Mitra Darviski, Stockholm
Lucila Piñas Vargas, Stockholm
Rosana Verastegui, Stockholm
Nancy Romero, Stockholm
Maria Romero, preschool nanny, Stockholm
Gisela Cosentino, Stockholm
Tania Huerto J, Stockholm
Camila Valdés, med. dr., Stockholm
Eliana T, Stockholm
Marcela Ortega, Stockholm
Isabel Eek, StockholmNorma Jara, Stockholm
Paulina Iglesias, nurse, Stockholm
Mireya Ned, accountant, Stockholm
Carla Labra, student, Stockholm
Cecilia Romero, entrepreneur, Stockholm
Sandra Sullers, student, Stockholm
Monica Foreman, employee, Södertälje
Ana M Gonzalez, employee, Stockholm
Jacqueline Toranueva, employee, Stockholm
Marina Gonzalez, Stockholm
Maria Teresa, Stockholm
Robin Scheer, Stockholm
Anita Majstorovic, Stockholm
Patricia Obando, Stockholm
Marjorie Adasme, Stockholm
Aila Pink, Stockholm
Juana Donoso, Stockholm
Victoria Müller, retired, Södertälje
Aramita Müller, Södertälje
Alejandra Bel, economist, Stockholm
Ximena Palacios, pedagogue, Stockholm
Deisy Vásquez, nurse assistant, Stockholm
Lorena Jimenes, Stockholm
Adisley Aguilar, Stockholm
Marta Hernandez, engineer, Stockholm
Victoria Dubin, archaeologist, Stockholm
Elsa Carmona, Stockholm
Aleida Pose C, Stockholm
Manou Sarho, Stockholm
Carina Lindberg, nurse, Katthammarsvik, Gotland
Nadia Widercrantz Freed, president of the Swedish Peace Committee, Gothenburg
Loreto Labbé-Reveco, preschool teacher, Gothenburg
Inger Johansson, senior high school teacher, Gothenburg
Åse Pedersen, Gothenburg
Miranda Urrutia-Labbé, student, Gothenburg
Ida Johansson, student, Gothenburg
Lisa Engström, journalist, Gothenburg
Inka Persson, teacher, Halmstad
Jessica Wahie, student, Halmstad
Ann Johansson, retired, Halmstad
Homa Ebtedaci, retired, Halmstad
A-L Magnusson, biomedical analyst, Halmstad
Birgitta Jansson, nurse, Halmstad
Ing-Mari Bunden, assistant master, Halmstad
Anna Kroona, nurse, Halmstad
Eva Parck, physiotherapist, Halmstad
Christel Bergged, teacher, Halmstad
Hilda Evaldsson, educator, Ljungby
Ellen Johansson, student, Ljungby
Betty Möller, Sävedalen
Marita Pahlén, journalist, Skene
Isabelle Salazar Johansson, preschool teacher, Torslanda
Christina Lydén, economist, Våxtorp
Eva Ludvigsson, special education teacher, Vänersborg
Yvonne Pebaqué, teacher, Borås
Elisabeth Hellman, special education teacher, member of Left Party, Malmö
Barbro Forsander, nurse, Uppsala
Vilma Delgado, nursing assistant, Uppsala
Berta Morales, Uppsala
Anairis Sánchez, nursing assistant, Uppsala
Maribel Vera-Soto, nursing assistant, Uppsala
Alejandra Olivares, Uppsala
Mónica Alarcón, Uppsala
Gloria Carvajal, dressmaker, Uppsala
Carin Hedlund, teacher, Uppsala
Luisa Montoya, student, Uppsala
Marianne Lennartsson, teacher, Uppsala
Teresa S Lennartsson, nurse, Uppsala
Lisa Nilsson, student, Uppsala
Nika Olsson, Uppsala
Olivia Sánchez, Uppsala
Mathilda Skog, nurse, Uppsala
Matilde Montoya, Uppsala
Kristina Bergström, student, Uppsala
Nicole Bonal, student, Eskilstuna
Angela Pacheco, housewife, Eskilstuna
Maud Ekman, member of the Left Party, Eskilstuna
Hanna Widén, preschool teacher, Eskilstuna
Marie Luise Hedberg, preschool teacher, Eskilstuna
Solveig Pahjola, Torshälla
Monica Larsson, Eskilstuna
Åsa Sommarlund, preschool teacher, Eskilstuna
Helena Tsiamanis, Eskilstuna
Frida Boman, drama teacher, Eskilstuna
L Monasterio, teacher, Stålboga
Tanja Gunborg, Stallarholmen
Inger Idbohn, speech therapist, Eskilstuna
Bodil Widén, Eskilstuna
Wiam Mohad, student, Eskilstuna
Lotta Baude, technician, Eskilstuna
Eva Born, teacher, Hälleforsnäs
Kim Fudin, administrator, Eskilstuna
Eva Lengstrand, Eskilstuna
Isabella Beiron, student, Eskilstuna
Yenu Dahlstrom, student of human Rights / preschool teacher, Norrköping
Ana Cuadra, Norrköping
Olga Cortés, nurse, Linköping
Tamia Fiallo Kaminski, student, Linköping
Antonia Leyes Vidén, student, Linköping
Gudrun Hellberg, Arboga
Kerstin Gevert, retired teacher, Molkom (Värmland)
Lone Möller, biolog, Jönköping
Anna Assarsson, civil engineer, Jönköping
Karin Olsson, nurse, Jönköping
Annica Albertsson, preschool teacher, Jönköping
Anna Johansson, teacher, Jönköping
Maribel López, nursing assistant, Jönköping
Ingrid A, teacher, Jönköping
Margot Herbertsson, Jönköping
Imelda Daza, teacher, Aneby
Monica P Flores, teacher, Bodagen
Berit Sandberg, administrator, Huskvarna
Victoria Gonzalez, teacher, Växjö
Anna Lisa Eneroth, WILPF, Växjö
Anneli Hellstrand, member of the Left Party, Sandviken (Gävleborg)
Inga-Karin Bergman, member of the Left Party, Östersund
Supporting men, Sweden
Per Demérus, retired, Stockholm
Rolf Hagel, retired, Stockholm
David Montes, Stockholm
Alejandro Santana, nursing assistant, Stockholm
Mehmet Ark, Stockholm
Gilberto R, Stockholm
Mauricio Valle, Stockholm
Alessandro Lo, Södertälje
Nils M, Stockholm
Rodrigo Espinoza, welder, Stockholm
Bernard Rosén, Stockholm
Andres Viracca, entrepreneur, Stockholm
Dante Cosentino, Stockholm
Alvaro do Monte Lima, teacher, Stockholm
Freddy Soto, Stockholm
Felipe Branitt, masseur, Stockholm
Juan Chandía, Stockholm
Nestor F, Stockholm
Daniel Veliz, entrepreneur, Stockholm
Carlos Luengo, employee, Stockholm
Enrique Ugarte, employee, Södertälje
Mario Basualto, employee, Södertälje
Sergio Martínez, Stockholm
R Urvido, Stockholm
Jorge Ahumada, Stockholm
Sergio López, Stockholm
Claudio Palma, Stockholm
Raúl Molina, Stockholm
Jorge Castillo, Stockholm
Luis Peña, engineer, Stockholm
Pablo Hormazabal, Stockholm
Tomas Beer, pedagogue, Stockholm
Jorge Alcazar, caretaker, Stockholm
Orlando Cadiz, Stockholm
Jan Bergsten, librarian, Stockholm
Henric Axell, teacher, Södertälje
Bo Holm, librarian, Katthammarsvik, Gotland
Patrik Malamas, member of the Left Party, Uppsala
Antonio Díaz, caretaker, Uppsala
Rickard R, Eskilstuna
Tomas Widén, teacher, Eskilstuna
Miguel Velasco, student, Eskilstuna
Nestor Reyes, electrician, Eskilstuna
Juan Aguirres, University graduate, Eskilstuna
Carlos Aristondo, teacher, Eskilstuna
Joakim Rosenqvist, Eskilstuna
Peter Olsson, entrepeneur, Linköping
Björn Berggren, retired, Västerås
Lars Lundkvist, Västerås
Sten Vikergård, Arboga
Göran Berg, teacher, Arboga
Saul Martinez, Örebro
Jan Nyberg, Sollefteå
Bosse Strömbäck, member of the Left Party, Boden
Benny Nilsson
Other female signatories in Europe
Helene Caprani, chairman of the Danish-Cuban Association, Copenhagen, Denmark
Birthe Sørensen, editor of the newspaper Arbejderen, Copenhagen, Denmark
Grete Møller, Kvinder for Fred, Copenhagen, Denmark
Suzana Exnerova Chairperson, Women’s Left Clubs, Czech Republic
Vlasta Pinterová Chairperson, Slovak Women’s Union
Márta Nemes, expert on pedagogy and family pedagogy, President of Foundation for The FamilyEducation, (FFE) Family Pedagogy Methodological Centre, Hungary
Inge Høgh, Silkeborg, Denmark
Chiara Bertoni. Italy
Alessandra Riccio, Editorial Director of the magazine "Latinoamerica", Rome
Isabella Brega, retired, Italy
Marina Criscuoli, Italy
Giulietta Poli, teacher, cofounder of the Italian-Cuban Friendship Association in Padua, Italy
Ireo Bono, Savona, Italy
Josie Michel-Brüning, Netzwerk Cuba, Berlin, Germany
Alena Grospičová, employee at Škoda Auto, Mladá Boleslav, Czech Republic
Marie Gavendová, retired, Prague, Czech republic
Jiri Svoboda, IT specialist, Slavonice, Czech Republic
Věra Hamouzová, employee, Prague, Czech Republic
Rosa Mikoskova, construction technician, Prague, Czech Republic
Andela Vrtelová, Czech republic
Supporting men, Europe
Antonio Della Corte, civil servant, Rome, Italy
Paolo Federici, retired, member of the National Directory of the Italian-Cuban Friendship Association
Paolo Edoardo Fornaciari, Ph.D. in Medieval Latin Philology, Università del Salento, Italy
Enzo Apicella, Italy
Paolo Edoardo Fornaciari, Livorno. Italy
Beppino De Zan, employee, Albinea, Reggio Emilia, Italy
Roberto Casella, employee, Albisola superiore, Italy
Giorgio Boaga, retired University teacher, Manziana, Italy
Franco Fuselli, Italy
Ph. D. Josef Hamouz, businessman, Prague, Czech Republic
Petr Hamouz, businessman, Prague, Czech Republic
Josef Hamouz Jr, athlete, Liberec, Czech Republic
Dirk Brüning, Netzwerk Cuba, Berlin, Germany
Dr. Edgar Göll, Future Researcher, Berlin, Germany
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