Idag, 5 mars 2011, promenerade vi med flaggor och banderoller till USAs ambassad, där vi också försökte överlämna brevet. Ambassadpersonalen vägrade ta emot det, av säkerhetsskäl (!), och hade i stället fullt upp med att ta bilder på alla som deltog i aktionen...

March 5th, 2011
White House
President Barack Obama
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500-0004
Dear President Obama,
In 2010, women in Sweden sent several letters to your wife with an appeal to take up the cause of two Cuban women, Adriana Pérez and Olga Salanueva who, for over ten years, have been denied a visa to travel to the United States to visit their husbands, Gerardo Hernández and René González. Both men belong to the group known around the world as the “Cuban Five”. They were unjustly sentenced for gathering information in the US about terrorist operations in Florida directed against Cuba.
The struggle for Olga Salanueva’s and Adriana Pérez right to family visits is supported by a significant number of religious, judicial and human right organizations, as well as a long list of Nobel Prize winners, members of parliaments, religious and union leaders, jurists, authors, human rights activist, actors and artists, and intellectuals around the world.
On May 27th, 2005, the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention denounced the “arbitrary” detention of the Cuban Five, stating that it was a violation of international norm and demanded a new trial. Recently, in a report released in October 2010, Amnesty International noted doubts about the fairness and impartiality of the trial, and called on the US government to review the case and mitigate any injustice through the clemency process or other appropriate means.
Today, committees in support of the Cuban Five from around the world are reaching out to you by phone calls, mails, letters, faxes, requesting that you grant the Cuban Five, Gerardo Hernández, Ramón Labañino, René González, Antonio Guerrero and Fernando González, their immediate freedom.
In Stockholm, the members of the Free the Five Committee adhere to this petition, demanding you to make use of the rights conferred upon you by the US Constitution, as a lawyer, as a father, as a son, as a husband, and as a winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, to end this colossal injustice and to free the Cuban Five now! And that until this happens, you will grant visas to Adriana Pérez and Olga Salanueva, so that they may immediately visit their imprisoned husbands!
Free the Five Committee, Stockholm, Sweden
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